i can't tell you why exactly, but i've recently turned into quite the bookworm. just ask the husband who is in desperate need of attention located to the left of me, who if he was brave enough, would hide my kindle, iphone, and ipad.
when i very first saw the trailer for the hunger games i wanted to see it. but for some strange reason i wanted to read the book first. the reason i say strange reason is because the last time i read a novel was about two years ago when my friend terri gave me a book for christmas.
well about two weeks later i finished the hunger games
(ps, the movie is horrible if you have read the book)
while i was finishing up the mockingjay in cabo, all of the girls on the trip were having a conversation about good book series (we were all reading) and ashley brought up fifty shades. and yes, this was literally a week before it blew up everywhere: facebook, pinterest, instragram.
no, i am not going to review it.
yes, you know exactly what kind of content is in this book.
all, i can say is that once i started i literally spent the entire weekend after getting back from cabo stuck to my iphone/kindle and doing nothing else but reading.
so good as in, if i have two minutes to read while josh looks through his menu at dinner...
i am reading ;)
so now you've read fifty shades and the hunger games, now what?
how about a book like combines the action of the hunger games and the 'love' story of grey?
then my friends, i bring to you
the fever series
this is probably my favorite out of all three that i have read.
and i am pretty sure that (relatively) i read them the fastest (which was about a week)
loved this book - all 2000 pages of it.
so what's it about? if i tell you, you probably won't read it.
ok fine.
its about "faerys" and not the kind with wings that you have to clap three times for.
(in fact, the exact opposite)
just trust me and read it.
so what's it about? if i tell you, you probably won't read it.
ok fine.
its about "faerys" and not the kind with wings that you have to clap three times for.
(in fact, the exact opposite)
just trust me and read it.
since each series i have read has been better than the last - there is a certain point of hesitancy toward any new book you try, certain that there is no way it can be better than the last.
so, i googled and googled book reviews that had the three above in their top ten list.
and apparently the black dagger brotherhood series topped almost all of them.
ok, sure... i guess i'll start a new series with EIGHT books. holy crap.
and really? why do they have to make the covers look so vampire pornish? kindle it is.
and really? why do they have to make the covers look so vampire pornish? kindle it is.
so far i am about 80% of the way into the first book and it definitely doesn't grab at you like the first three series that i read did. maybe its just me but, while faerys, post-apocalypse revolting adolescents, and bdsm didn't necessarily through me through the loop on the "non-realistic" stuff...
for some reason vampires do.
don't get me wrong its ended up being a pretty good book so far, but whether or not you want to invest the time/money into eight books...
stay tuned :)